Smiths Vauxhall STAY SAFE Anti-Viral & Anti-Bacterial Clean: £19.99

As part of our Smiths STAY SAFE processes, every vehicle we work on has the main touch-points cleaned with anti-viral spray or wipes before being returned to you. For added peace-of-mind, we can more fully disinfect the interior of your vehicle with a product proven to be over 99.9% effective against coronaviruses* and bacteria**.

The interior of your vehicle is treated with a powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent in aerosol form. This agent effectively sanitizes all the surfaces inside your vehicle that it comes into contact with, ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment. Additionally, as the aerosol passes through the air conditioning system, it performs a thorough cleaning of the system itself. This process eliminates bacteria, viruses, mould, and other types of microbial contamination that may have accumulated over time. By targeting both the interior surfaces and the air conditioning system, this treatment provides a comprehensive approach to maintaining a hygienic vehicle. The result is not only a reduction in harmful pathogens but also an improvement in air quality, making your driving experience safer and more pleasant. This dual-action cleaning ensures that every part of your vehicle's interior is protected against potentially harmful microorganisms, providing peace of mind for you and your passengers.

If you feel your air conditioning system is not working as it should, click here to find out about our air conditioning services.

To book your Smiths STAY SAFE Anti-Viral & Anti-Bacterial Clean for £19.99, click on the link below to contact our service team online:

Contact Our Service Team

Or call us on:

Ilkeston: 01159 322 387 | Peterborough:

*Tested towards BS EN: 14476:2013+A2:2019 (anti-viral) Effective against 99.99% of coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 surrogate). Achieved in 5x minute Contact Time – under ‘dirty’ conditions. **Tested towards BS EN: 1276:2019 and 1650:2019 (anti-bacterial) Effective against 99.999% of bacteria. Achieved in 5x minute Contact Time – under ‘dirty’ conditions.